The Latest Update on Grain-Free Foods & DCM

The Latest Update on Grain-Free Foods & DCM

I have always known that good information and good intentions lead directly to the health and wellbeing of our chosen animals. With companion animal nutrition a conservative approach to feeding and feeds has served me well.

The article that follows underscores the sensibility of this approach to feed selection and choice and updates major questions that have occurred at many levels within this companion animal feed industry. A few years ago an influential piece of research was released into the mainstream media that created some very good questions and a lot of confusion. As the article explains – more is now known, and the update relating to DCM is outlined.

I wanted to reprint this as an example of taking the time to get the information right. Nutrition and the clinical studies that inform decisions are ongoing and constantly developing. With careful consideration and our knowledge, Wiscoy maintains appropriate selection of products and companies that work progressively to solution nutrition.
Please read the article from Pet Business here.